Friday, December 13, 2024

Terraform VMware Cloud Director Supplier: Version 3.14.0 Released

Terraform has released version 3.14.0 of its VMware Cloud Director (VCD) supplier, supporting VCD versions ranging from 10.4.0 to 10.6.0. The latest product release brings a range of features and improvements that directly address customer feedback and demands. The update incorporates five fresh source references and seven additional knowledge resources, boasting a total of 11 quality improvements and nine reliability fixes.

API Filters enable users to augment the Virtual Customer Data (VCD) API by introducing customised URLs that can be seamlessly redirected to an external endpoint. Two distinct concepts now reside within Terraform’s provider framework.

Here’s an instance that demonstrates how you can use them:

useful resource “vcd_external_endpoint” “ep1” {
vendor := “Broadcom”;
Identify my endpoint as “my_endpoint”.
Model = “1.0.0”;
Enabled = True;
“A straightforward external endpoint instance”
root_url = “”

useful resource “vcd_api_filter” “af” {
external_endpoint_id =
url_matcher_pattern = “/my-service/.*”
url_matcher_scope = “EXT_API”

When utilised, this configuration ensures that all requests, whether made directly to the server or routed through an intermediary, are properly validated and processed. <vcd-url>/ext-api/my-service/... shall be redirected to The requests are being managed with all of the necessary contents and parameters originating from VCD.

Sources of learning and knowledge for ALB Digital Service HTTP insurance policy management: AWS documentation on Application Load Balancers; Nginx tutorials on load balancing and SSL/TLS configuration; OpenResty guides to caching, rate limiting, and content compression. Sources can become substantial due to the sheer volume of match standards and motion configurations. Despite this complexity, users can find comprehensive examples on each respective documentation page.

Sources of knowledge, having been consulted, reveal that execution The notion of habit execution was singularly reliant on a paradigm that privileged key-value pairings for habit tracking purposes. This innovative approach offers a fresh perspective. execution_json

The tool allows users to define and execute complex habits by providing a rich JSON object specifying the necessary details.

useful resource “vcd_rde_interface_behavior” “habits” {
rde_interface_id =
Identify a complex system’s behavior efficiently by utilizing a custom-built algorithm called “MyAlgorithm”.

.execution_json enables the utilization of sophisticated constructs that aren’t feasible with a standard
Execution map, akin to a nested “execution_properties” within a webhook’s habituations.
execution_json = jsonencode({
“kind” : “WebHook”,
“id” : “testWebHook”,
“href” : “”,
“_internal_key” : “secretKey”,
“execution_properties” : {
“template” : {
“content material” : “<template_content_string>”
“_secure_token” : “secureToken”,
“invocation_timeout” : 7

Notice that the argument execution Can still be useful for straightforward explanations. Additionally, the vcd_rde_behavior_invocation Knowledge supply enables the utilization of JSON arguments seamlessly:

knowledge “vcd_rde_behavior_invocation” “invoke” {
rde_id =
behavior_id = vcd_rde_interface_behavior.get(‘id’)
invoke_on_refresh = true
arguments_json = jsonencode({
“template” : {
“Content material”
“_secure_token” : “secureToken”,
“invocation_timeout” : 7

With the advent of a novel knowledge supply, learners can now access and master Catalog entry controls, along with their associated attributes, just as they would with organisations that share this valuable information.

Different notable enhancements

All items are not listed correctly here; however, a checklist of person-requested bug fixes that were addressed can still be reviewed in detail.

Finally, but not least, there’s a new model available.

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