Telegram launches year’s initial update, introducing a novel account verification method leveraging third-party authentication, enhanced message search functionality via refined filters, and the capacity for users to mint digital collectibles into NFTs.
The messaging platform has expanded its features by allowing pre-verified third-party authorities, such as food safety regulators or educational consortiums, to verify user accounts.
Accounts verified by a third-party can boast a fresh icon alongside their names instead of the standard blue checkmark.
“By introducing this decentralized platform for added verification, Telegram aims to prevent scams and reduce misinformation through its pioneering proactive solution, setting a new benchmark for social platforms’ security standards.”
Individuals or entities seeking authentication must undergo rigorous verification processes and complete a designated software application to become eligible for the esteemed verified mark. Here’s the improved text: Telegram allows entities to utilize its Bot API to grant or revoke verification, a process similar to companies purchasing verification on other platforms and verifying affiliated accounts. As soon as their accounts are verified, these affiliated accounts can.
Telegram has introduced a feature allowing users to convert items into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), complete with customizable backgrounds and icons. Customers can send items using Telegram Stars, available for purchase within the app or through integration with their TON cryptocurrency wallets.
Customers will have the ability to trade these NFTs on various other platforms. Notably, Telegram charges customers a premium to enhance their digital goods to collectible-grade items, effectively offsetting the costs of blockchain transactions.
Telegram has used cryptocurrencies for settlements and for payment processing.
The corporation has introduced an innovative emoji response feature for service messages, likened to joining a chat room, as well as enhanced search filters for personal chats, group chats, and channels.