By the 1950s, the sporting establishment had widely accepted that running a sub-four-minute mile was an impossible feat for mere mortals. Since the late 19th century, runners had attempted this feat, only to draw the inescapable conclusion that the human body was ill-suited for the task.
On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister suddenly surprised everyone. On a chilly, damp day in Oxford, England, that defied expectations by producing record-breaking conditions, Chris Bannister made history by clocking an astonishing mile time of 3:59.4, becoming the first individual to shatter the four-minute barrier.
The sudden transformation within the benchmarking process had far-reaching consequences, as the notion that a four-minute mile was attainable became an established reality. Bannister’s record stood for a mere 46 days before being shattered by Australian athlete John Landy. Twelve months on, an unprecedented feat unfolded as three athletes shattered the four-minute barrier simultaneously at the same event. Since its inception, more than 1,400 runners have successfully clocked a time of 3:43.13, a record held by the illustrious Moroccan athlete Hicham El Guerrouj.
When we acknowledge the possibility of something, we tend to grasp even more when we witness others having successfully implemented it – much like our human productivity increases when we’re motivated by others’ achievements; similarly, the perceived limitations of a website’s capabilities are often reevaluated in light of what others have accomplished.
How can we guarantee that the internet remains a powerful tool for connecting people and fostering innovation while ensuring its long-term sustainability? To achieve this goal, we must define clear guidelines for maintaining the health of our global network.
Can you help us set out key principles to ensure the internet’s enduring vitality?
In many key industries, well-established metrics gauge environmental performance, such as vehicles’ miles-per-gallon and energy consumption per square foot. meter for houses. While instrumentation and methodologies for calculating these metrics are standardized, ensuring everyone is on the same page during environmental assessments, a different story unfolds in the realm of websites and apps, where we lack specific environmental regulations until recently, when we’ve gained the tools and strategies necessary to conduct even a basic environmental evaluation.
The primary objective of sustainable internet design is to minimize. It is challenging to quantify the exact amount of CO.2 produced by an internet product. Can we really quantify the emissions wafting from laptop exhaust vents? Emissions from our websites appear to be a distant concern, lacking visibility and consideration, emerging unexpectedly at energy stations fueled by coal and fossil fuels? Without an established method to redirect electrons from a website or application back to the power generation station, it’s challenging to accurately quantify the exact amount of greenhouse gases emitted. So what can we do?
Unless we measure our carbon emissions with precision, we risk discovering what we’re measuring instead. The initial components likely to serve as markers for carbon emissions are:
- Knowledge switch
- Carbon depth of electrical energy
Let’s explore how we’ll harness these metrics to measure the power consumption and offset the carbon footprint of the websites and internet applications we develop.
Knowledge switch
Researchers commonly utilize kWh/GB as a metric to quantify the energy efficiency of data transfer, specifically for websites and utilities, by evaluating the amount of information transmitted over the internet. This provides a crucial benchmark for assessing power consumption and carbon emissions. When transferring data, as a general guideline, the more information transmitted, the greater the energy consumption in telecommunications networks and end-user devices.
The amount of data transferred for an internet user’s single visit can be approximated by measuring the page load size, typically expressed in kilobytes, upon initial access to the webpage. Measuring performance with modern web browsers’ built-in developer tools is straightforward. Typically, a hosting account provides statistics on overall data transfer, illuminating the traffic flow of an online application.

One significant advantage of webpage weight as a metric is its ability to enable effective comparison of website performance across various platforms, unaffected by fluctuating traffic volumes.
Optimizing web page weight demands a comprehensive approach. By the start of 2020, the median web page size had grown to 1.97 MB for “desktop” setups classified by HTTP Archive, and 1.77 MB for “mobile”, with desktop sizes increasing a staggering 36% since January 2016, while mobile page weights remained relatively flat? While approximately half of the data on this platform consists of image files, they surprisingly account for the largest source of carbon emissions within the online community.
Clearly, history shows that with determination, our websites could indeed be more compact. As technological advancements in areas like data centers and transmission networks continue to enhance their energy efficiency, websites – a fundamental aspect of the internet – surprisingly become increasingly inefficient over time.

You may be familiar with the concept of efficiency budgeting, which serves as an approach to focus a project team on delivering faster user experiences. We would stipulate that our website loads within one second on high-speed connections and no more than three seconds on 3G networks. Efficiency budgets serve as a higher limit, unlike pace limits for driving, which provide precise recommendations. Therefore, the objective should always aim to stay within budget constraints.
While designing for quick efficiency often yields reduced information switching and emissions, this is not always a guarantee. While net efficiency is often evaluated based on subjective metrics like load times, it’s more crucial to assess the actual effectiveness of the underlying system. Meanwhile, page weight and transfer measurements serve as more objective and reliable indicators of sustainable web design performance.
By leveraging industry benchmarks and reliable data sources such as the HTTP Archive, we can establish a target weight price range for our web pages, grounded in trade averages. We can also benchmark our webpage’s weight against that of competitors or the previous version of our website to gauge improvements. To maintain competitive parity, we’d establish a target website weight price point equivalent to that of our industry-leading peers, or alternatively, strive to excel by setting a lower benchmark.
To advance the project further, we could also consider introducing a new metric to measure the effectiveness of our website content for returning visitors. While webpage weight is an easily quantifiable metric, it’s essential to consider other scenarios as well to gain a more comprehensive understanding. When visitors repeatedly access the same webpage, a significant portion of the data is likely to be cached in their browser, allowing them to bypass downloading the entire page on subsequent visits. As a result, when customers visit new pages within the same website, they likely won’t need to reload the entire webpage each time, since elements such as headers and footers from previously visited pages may already be cached in their browser? By measuring switch metrics at this subsequent stage of analysis, we can gain valuable insights into optimizing customer effectiveness, enabling us to allocate web page weight budgets for future scenarios beyond the initial visit?
Web page weight budgets are straightforward to track throughout a design and development process. Although these tools do not furnish instant carbon emission and power consumption insights, they offer a transparent gauge of efficiency in comparison to other websites. As a reliable analog for power consumption, we’ll actually employ switch measurements to approximate power usage.
Abstracted from reduced data, the diminished information switch yields a pivotal outcome in optimizing energy efficiency, a crucial factor in minimizing carbon emissions from internet products. As we enhance the environmental friendliness of our products, the lesser electricity they consume, resulting in a reduced need for fossil fuels to generate the power that powers them. As we will subsequently explore, given that every online product necessitates power, it is crucial to consider the availability of that electricity supply as well.
Carbon depth of electrical energy
Regardless of power efficiency, the impact of air pollution caused by digital products hinges on the type of power being utilized to power them? Carbon depth? A metric for quantifying atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.2 generated per each kilowatt-hour of electrical energy (gCO2/kWh)2/kWh). Renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, as well as nuclear energy, have significantly lower carbon footprints, emitting less than 10 grams of CO2 equivalent per kilowatt-hour.2per MWh?2/kWh.
Electricity is primarily generated by nationwide or state-level grids, where power from a diverse array of sources is combined and transmitted over varying distances with differing levels of carbon intensity. The decentralized nature of the internet implies that a single website or app user may simultaneously draw power from multiple grids; a person in Paris, for instance, uses electricity from the French national grid to power their home network and devices, while the site’s data centre may be located in Dallas, USA, drawing energy from the Texas grid, with telecommunications networks utilising power from various locations between Dallas and Paris.
While we lack control over the entire power infrastructure of internet companies, we do exert influence over the location where our projects are hosted. By situating an information hub that accounts for a significant percentage of a website’s overall energy consumption in a region with low carbon intensity, it is possible to make a tangible reduction in carbon emissions. A Danish startup, Tomorrow, has reviewed data on the environmental impact of its global network. A glance at their map shows that choosing an information hub in France can lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions compared with locating one in the Netherlands, for instance.

To optimize performance, we aim to keep our servers geographically close to our users, as transmitting data over long distances can be energy-intensive, consuming more power with each incremental hop through telecommunications networks. We’ll liken the distance between our data hub and the website’s primary audience to “megabyte miles,” aiming to minimize this gap for seamless connectivity.
By leveraging website analytics, we will identify the nation, state, and metropolitan area where our primary user demographic resides, and subsequently measure the distance between this location and the data center employed by our hosting provider. While this metric may be inherently imprecise due to unknown customer masses and lack of a definitive information hub, we can still aim for a rough estimate.
When hosting a website in London yet catering primarily to users on the West Coast of the United States, it’s crucial to consider the significant time difference and geographical distance between the two locations. A mere 8-hour flight separates London from San Francisco, with approximately 5,300 miles between them – a substantial gap that can impact communication and collaboration efforts. That’s a good distance! Hosting our internet services in a North American location, preferably on the West Coast, could significantly reduce latency and subsequently energy consumption required for data transmission. By locating our servers closer to our customers, we significantly reduce latency and provide superior service, yielding a mutually beneficial outcome.
By integrating carbon density calculations with assessments of power usage, we can accurately estimate the environmental impact of our online platforms in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The device developed by your workforce quantifies online webpage load times by monitoring data transmission over a wire, then converts this metric into a figure representing carbon emissions (CO).2 (). Additionally, it also considers whether the hosting service is powered by renewable energy.
To successfully advance your project, you’ll need to fine-tune the information provided in the companion guide to suit the unique aspects of your specific endeavor.

With the capability to calculate carbon emissions for our actions, we can truly take website page weight pricing to the next level and establish carbon budgets accordingly. CO2 While gigabytes aren’t typically a primary concern for most online activities, familiarity with kilobytes and megabytes does simplify the process of evaluating data size by assessing design choices and information. Furnishing translations in carbon form adds an extra layer of complexity, making it less instinctive – yet carbon budgets excel at honing our attention on the pivotal aspect to curtail, ultimately driving home the paramount objective of environmentally conscious web development: significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Browser Vitality
Although knowledge switch serves as a comprehensive analogue for power consumption in digital tasks, providing a single metric to quantify energy usage across data centres, telecommunications networks, and end-user devices, it falls short in offering insights into the efficiency of specific components within these systems.
We’ll examine an additional aspect of our system: the energy consumption patterns of end-users’ devices. As front-end internet applications continue to evolve in complexity, the computational burden is increasingly migrating from data centers to users’ devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and even smart TVs. Modern web browsers empower users to incorporate cutting-edge visual effects and dynamic interactivity with ease, thanks to the synergy of CSS and JavaScript capabilities. Furthermore, JavaScript libraries such as those used by Angular and React empower developers to craft applications where computationally intensive tasks are executed partially or entirely within the browser.
The proliferation of innovative technologies is indeed exhilarating, unlocking unprecedented opportunities to harness the internet’s transformative power and foster meaningful connections that positively impact our world. Despite this, the additional computational load on a user’s device, namely their internet browser, inevitably leads to increased power consumption. This has significant implications not just environmentally, but also for personal expertise and inclusivity as well. Inadvertent exclusion of customers with older devices may arise when purposes impose excessive processing demands, hastening battery drain on mobile phones and laptops. Furthermore, as internet-based applications increasingly demand users to possess cutting-edge, high-performance devices, people tend to discard outdated technology at a faster rate. Isn’t this lack of sustainability not only detrimental to the environment, but also disproportionately costly for the most vulnerable members of society?
Due to limited instrumentation and a proliferation of various device types, accurately measuring website power consumption on end-user devices proves challenging. We currently possess one tool, namely the Vitality Influence monitor, which is integrated into the Developer Console of Safari’s browser.

If a website’s intense activity causes your PC’s fans to spin rapidly, don’t you think that’s a sign of something extraordinary about to happen? This instrument is essentially designed to quantify that specific phenomenon.
The tool provides insights into the CPU usage percentage and corresponding time intervals during webpage loading, leveraging this data to establish a power impact ranking. While lacking specific details on electrical energy usage in kilowatts, the provided data still enables benchmarking website power consumption and setting improvement targets.