Id like assist to determine why this script fails to work now that I my moved my system from a 2012 Mac mini operating Catalina to new M4 mini.
I exploit 2 exterior HD’s for storing iTunes and film knowledge and attempt to save the log file to an exterior SSD (was once my boot drive on previous Mac mini).
AppleScript appears to compile correctly – deceptive – and when run the error pops up. I’m operating Script editor from the present boot drive and presume it runs rsync from the boot drive as properly.
Right here is the script….
set supply to "'/Volumes/Media Major/'" set destFolder to "'/Volumes/Media Backup'" do shell script "/Volumes/'Macintosh HD'/usr/bin/rsync -av --delete --exclude=.* -i --log-file=/Volumes/'Macintosh SSD 1TB'/Customers/invoice/Desktop/AppleScriptLog/MediaBackup.txt" & (quoted type of supply) & " " & (quoted type of destFolder) inform software "TextEdit" open file "/Volumes/'Macintosh SSD 1TB'/Customers/invoice/Paperwork:/Finished.txt" finish inform
The error is as follows
End result:
error “rsync: didn’t open log-file /Volumes/Macintosh SSD 1TB/Customers/invoice/Desktop/AppleScriptLog/MediaBackup.txt’/Volumes/Media Major/’: No such file or listing (2)
rsync: link_stat “/’/Volumes/Media Backup'” failed: No such file or listing (2)
rsync error: some recordsdata couldn’t be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/5bb93434-bef0-11ef-bef2-d285688f7a47/Library/Caches/ important.c(996) [sender=2.6.9]” quantity 23