Friday, December 13, 2024

Permission – Ceasing ‘Enable for One Month’ on macOS 15 Sequoia, Specifically When ScreenCaptureApprovals.plist is Missing?

The notion of this being discussed has garnered significant attention.

Here are my improvements:

So, I attempted this process with a few instruments:

defaults write ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ -dict-add "/Functions/Setapp/CleanShot X Setapp" "3024-09-21 12:40:36 +0000"

As a result, they tend to converge on a single direction following this phenomenon.

$ defaults read ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ | perl -pe 's/"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \+0000)"/"on $1"/e' 

    "/Functions/DisplayLink" = "on 3024-09-21 12:40:36 +0000";
    "/Functions/Setapp/CleanShot X Setapp" = "on 3024-09-21 12:40:36 +0000";
    "/Functions/" = "on 3024-09-21 12:40:36 +0000";

However, I’m not entirely convinced this is the most suitable approach, as it appears to be my replayd The config appears damaged, so I’ll revisit this response and supplement with anecdotal evidence on whether it proves effective over time.

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