Friday, December 13, 2024

The Microsoft.NET Neighborhood Toolkit now includes support for .NET 8 and NativeAOT.

Upon the .NET Neighborhood Toolkit 8.3 release, Microsoft announced that all package APIs have been thoroughly annotated to facilitate seamless trimming and ahead-of-time (AOT) compatibility, thereby ensuring that any portion of the toolkit functions effortlessly in these scenarios. Within the Model 8.3 launch, the MVVM Toolkit now provides support for? net8.0-windows10.0.17763.0 Goal: To be absolutely trim and AOT-compatible with the Windows App SDK (WinUI 3). This framework ensures that each type capable of being marshaled to WinRT possesses all necessary interop code generated for it, according to Microsoft.

In Model 8.3, additional efficiencies have been incorporated to further enhance the performance of the MVVM toolkit. The primary focus was on providing assistance for INotifyPropertyChanging absolutely pay-for-play, Microsoft stated. When this interface is unnecessary, there is no additional overhead incurred as a result. When this property is about to become false, all code related to it will automatically stop execution. INotifyPropertyChanging in ObservableObject might be trimmed out.

Among numerous bug fixes within this release, a crucial repair addresses a problematic state where generated OnPropertyChanging Strategies were not being implemented for dependent properties upon utilization. [NotifyPropertyChangedFor]. And the ObservableValidator.HasError In property-based frameworks, properties will no longer automatically appear in desk views for frameworks that dynamically generate columns from declared properties. The latest model (8.3) of the .NET Neighborhood Toolkit builds upon last year’s release, further introducing innovations in Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture and refining performance boosts in MVVM supply generators.

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