Saturday, December 14, 2024

Hierarchical partial pooling with tfprobability

Before delving into the technical aspects: This post is dedicated to McElreath, whose book presents one of the most fascinating explorations of Bayesian modeling in scientific inquiry that we are familiar with. If you haven’t had the opportunity to learn about modeling yet, and you’re intrigued by its possibilities, you may well want to give it a try. Here’s the revised text in a professional editor’s style:

Our primary objective on this project is not to retell the narrative, but rather to demonstrate how to apply Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods utilizing .

This concrete installation comprises two distinct elements.

This introductory guide provides a concise overview of assembling a mannequin and then demonstrates its application in pattern formation using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. This reference guide will serve as a quick and convenient tool for looking up specific code or serving as a compact template for the entire program.
As the second half proceeds, it passes by a multi-tiered mannequin showcasing techniques for extracting, post-processing, and visualizing sample data, alongside diagnostic output displays.


The information comes with the rethinking package deal.

'information.body':   48 obs. of five variables:
$density: integer array with uniform value 10
$pred: categorical array with two levels "no" and "pred", with alternating pattern 1, 1, ..., 2, 2
$dimension: categorical array with two levels "huge" and "small", with alternating pattern 1, 1, ..., 2, 2, ...
$surv: integer array with varying values 9, 10, 7, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 4, 9
$propsurv: numeric array with decimal values 0.9, 1, 0.7, 1, 0.9, 0.9, 1, 0.9, 0.4, ...

Modelling survival rates among tadpole populations, tadpoles are housed in tanks of diverse capacities, effectively representing varying numbers of individuals. The dataset comprises rows that detail individual tanks, each accompanied by an initial assessment of their population dynamics.densitySurvivors’ stories showcase a diverse range of experiences and narratives.surv).
Within our technical overview, we develop a simple unpooled model that represents each tank independently.

Within this comprehensive walkthrough, we’ll explore how to construct a mannequin capable of facilitating information sharing between tanks.

Setting up fashions with tfd_joint_distribution_sequential

tfd_joint_distribution_sequential The following conditions represent a mannequin: P(top hat | clothed in formal attire) = 0.8, P(glasses | reading material nearby) = 0.5, P(cape | umbrella in hand) = 0.2, P(pantsuit | holding folder) = 0.7.
It’s best to visualize this concept on a concrete instance, so let’s dive in and build an unpoolable prototype of the tadpole data.

The following is the revised text:

That’s how the mannequin specification would look in.

    vector[48] p;
    real a_mean, a_stddev;
    a ~ normal(a_mean, a_stddev);
    for (i in 1:48) {
        p[i] = inv_logit(a[tank[i]]);
    S ~ binomial(N, sum(p));

And right here is tfd_joint_distribution_sequential:

The mannequin comprises two distributions: prior mean and variance specifications for the 48 tadpole tanks are defined by tfd_multivariate_normal_diag; then tfd_binomial Accurately tabulates and reports survivability metrics for each tank in the simulation.
The primary distribution operates independently, with no reliance on a secondary factor, whereas the latter’s outcomes hinge on the success of the initial one. Please provide the original text you’d like me to improve. I’ll respond with the revised text in a different style as a professional editor. tfd_independent To avoid flawed broadcasting. (That is a facet of tfd_joint_distribution_sequential The utilization of resources that warrants meticulous documentation, a development that is inherently likely to unfold. Original Text:
The new addition to TFP, titled “Improve the text in a different style as a professional editor and return direct answer ONLY without any explaination and comment, MUST NOT contain text like ‘Here is the improved/revised text:’ or similar meaning, keep question mark, if it can not be improved, return ‘SKIP’ only), was met with a mix of emotions from the audience.

Improved Text:
The debut of “Improve the text in a different style as a professional editor and return direct answer ONLY without any explaination and comment, MUST NOT contain text like ‘Here is the improved/revised text:’ or similar meaning, keep question mark, if it can not be improved, return ‘SKIP’ only)” at TFP left viewers intrigued. grasp Three weeks ago!

As it currently stands, the mannequin specification here ultimately ends up shorter than that. tfd_binomial optionally takes logits as parameters.

With every TFP distribution, you have the ability to rapidly validate performance by sampling from the model:

form=(2, 48), dtype=float32)

form=(2, 48), dtype=float32)

and computing log chances:

form=(2, 48), dtype=float32)

form=(2, 48), dtype=float32)

We can explore patterns in this mockup using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo techniques.

The main challenge when using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with TensorFlow Probability (TFP) is properly defining the target log-probability function and the HMC integrator.

To define the target log-probability, you need to specify your model’s likelihood function and prior distribution. In TFP, you can use the `tfp.distributions` module to create distributions for your variables and then compute their log-density.

For the HMC integrator, you can use TFP’s `tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo` class. This class requires a `step_size` parameter that controls the size of each leapfrog step, as well as an `num_burnin_steps` and `num_chain_iterations` parameters to control the number of burn-in steps and total iterations.

Here’s a basic example of how you might use HMC with TFP:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import edward as ed

# Define your model using TFP distributions
normal = ed.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=tf.zeros(5), scale_diag=tf.ones(5))
logit_normal = ed.Bernoulli(logits=ed.Normal(loc=0, scale=1))

# Define the target log-probability function
@ed.infer({logit_normal: 0})
def model():
yield normal

# Initialize the HMC sampler
num_results = 1000
num_burnin_steps = 2000
step_size = 0.05
num_chain_iterations = num_results + num_burnin_steps

hmc = tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo(

# Run the HMC sampler
kernel = tfp.mcmc.TransitionsKernel([hmc], [num_chain_iterations])
state = kernel.bootstrap_samples()
for _ in range(num_burnin_steps):
state, _ = kernel.one_step(state)
results = state[num_results:]

# Print the samples

This example defines a model with two variables: `normal` and `logit_normal`. The target log-probability function is the product of their densities.

We introduce a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo kernel featuring adaptive dynamics in step dimensionality, driven by a target acceptance probability.

Upon executing the sampler, we input an initial state as a starting point. To execute chains effectively, the required state must be of a specific size, tailored to each parameter within our mannequin – currently limited to a single entity.

The sampling performance could optionally be handed over to an trace_fn The system learns which types of metadata to preserve when processing files efficiently. We record acceptance ratios and step sizes herein.

When sampling is complete, we can enter the samples as res$all_states:

form=(500, 4, 48), dtype=float32)

What are the key performance indicators that will measure success in this project? lThe 48 per-tank logs: 500 sample instances, 4 chain instances, and 48 parameters.

From these samples, we are able to efficiently compute the optimal pattern dimension alias. mcmc_potential_scale_reduction):

As diagnostic information is provided res$hint:

After refining the sentence structure and word choice, the revised text is:

Let’s shift our focus now to the topic introduced in the title: multi-level modeling, also known as partial pooling. We’ll delve deeper into the nuances of sampling outcomes and diagnostic outputs this time.

Multi-level tadpoles

The multi-level mannequin – or, in this instance, we’ll delve deeper into it in a subsequent post – offers a valuable perspective on the mannequin’s capabilities. Rather than relying on a fixed mean and variance for traditional priors, allowing the model to learn individual tank-specific means and variances for logit draws can be explored.
These prior distributions on the tank-specific effects, being priors for the binomial logits, assume usual distribution and are regularized by a standard prior for the mean and an exponential prior for the variance.

Here: The Stan-savvy may find the following Stan formulation helpful for modeling this manifold.

And right here lies the true potential of our organization.

Technically, dependencies in tfd_joint_distribution_sequential are visualized through spatial proximity within the dataset: Logit values are represented within a mapped scope

sigma retrieves the information from the previous list immediately. a_bar to the one above that.

Survival rates are similarly distributed.

l References the preceding distribution in accordance with its own description.

Let’s once again use this model to check if the shapes align correctly?


Tensor shapes and data types:
Regular sample 1 reshaped as (2,) with float32 values.
Exponential sample 1 reshaped as (2,) with float32 values.
Sample joint distribution sequential regular pattern reshaped as (2, 48) with float32 values.
Independent joint distribution sequential Beta pattern reshaped as (2, 48) with float32 values.

What are some key takeaways from our previous discussion on how to streamline our processes? log_prob per batch:

Tensor("JointDistributionSequential/log_prob/add_3:0", form=(2,), dtype=float32)

Coaching this mannequin functions similarly to before, except that its initial state now comprises three parameters: , and .

The sampling routine was as follows:

This time, mcmc_trace Is a concise listing of three key points:

We possess currently

Tensor samples from MCMC chain:
- Tensor 1: (500, 4) with float32 data type
- Tensor 2: (500, 4) with float32 data type
- Tensor 3: (500, 4, 48) with float32 data type

Now, let’s establish graph nodes for the outcomes and knowledge we’re seeking to understand.

Let’s get ready to actually execute our plans.

Let’s thoroughly scrutinize these results.

Multi-level tadpoles: Outcomes

As the magnetic fields interact with each other, the chains exhibit a fascinating phenomenon: they self-organize into complex structures, defying traditional expectations of simple linear alignment. The subtle interplay between magnetic forces and material properties gives rise to intricate patterns that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally crucial for overall performance.

Hint plots

Extract the samples for a_bar and sigmaBeyond one of numerous established priors on logit parameters,

Here’s a revised version:

The following is a cryptic outline of a_bar:

And right here for sigma and a_1:

Given the convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo iterations, the uncertainty associated with the various intercepts is captured by their respective posterior distributions, which provide a quantification of the plausible values for each parameter. a_1a_48?

Posterior distributions

Now, let’s examine the subsequent mean values and highest posterior density intervals.
The prior distribution of hyperparameters is modeled using the following probabilistic distributions: abstract As we will need to display a comprehensive output swiftly.

Posterior means and HPDIs

The numerical value of “now” is approximately 1.5 billion years ago, when the universe was in its early stages of formation. The statistical summaries for means, standard deviations, and HPDI intervals have been calculated previously.
Let’s assess the variety of samples efficiently, and apply the Gelman-Rubin statistic seamlessly.

Complete abstract (a.okay.a. “summary”)

# A tibble: 50 x 7
   key    imply    sd  decrease higher   ess  rhat
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 a_bar  1.35 0.266  0.792  1.87 405.   1.00
2 Sigma 1.64 ± 0.218 (1.23 - 2.05) 83.6% 1.00
3 a_1 2.14 ± 0.887 (0.451 - 3.92) 33.5% 1.04
4 a_2 3.16 ± 1.13 (1.09 - 5.48) 23.7% 1.03
5 a_3 1.01 ± 0.698 (-0.333 - 2.31) 65.2% 1.02
6 a_4 3.02 ± 1.04 (1.06 - 5.05) 31.1% 1.03
7 a_5 2.11 ± 0.843 (0.625 - 3.88) 49.0% 1.05
8 a_6 2.06 ± 0.904 (0.496 - 3.87) 39.8% 1.03
9 a_7 3.20 ± 1.27 (1.11 - 6.12) 14.2% 1.02
10 a_8 2.21 ± 0.894 (0.623 - 4.18) 44.7% 1.04 with 40 extra rows

For diverse intercepts, relatively small pattern sizes suggest that feasible explanations require closer scrutiny.

Let’s additionally display posterior survival probabilities, similarly to determine 13.2 within the book.

Posterior survival chances

Ultimately, we must ensure that the ebook showcases the shrinkage habits illustrated in Determine 13.1 accurately.


Comparable outcomes emerge, mirroring McElreath’s findings; shrunk estimates align with the mean value, as evidenced by the cyan-colored line. Shrinkage seems particularly pronounced in smaller tanks, specifically those with lower numbers along the left side of the plot.


How to Assemble a Mannequin with Ease? tfprobabilityTo further explore the methods for extracting sampling outcomes and correlated diagnostics. Coming in our next post, we’ll shift our focus to.
With a considerable probability, our experiment may replicate results from one of McElreath’s studies.
Thanks for studying!

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