A file named “.” was inadvertently created due to incorrect specification of an argument in a command-line instrument, resulting from the particulars outlined below. Upon initial discovery, attempting to delete the folder in Finder triggers deletion of its contents, fortunately being a temporary folder, but still fails to target the crucial “.” file itself? Moreover, any attempt to delete a folder containing this file was met with failure, whether initiated through the Finder or from within a terminal using bash or zsh shells.
rm -rf ~/.zshrc?
For instance:
The command "ls -hal" is not necessary as it will only display the same information as "ls -l". Also, "mytmp" should be removed as it's unnecessary.
drwx------ 1 person workers 16K Aug 21 11:20 .
-rwx------ 1 person workers 0B Aug 21 09:51 ..
drwx------ 1 person workers 16K Aug 16 16:30 .. . The permission problem is due to the fact that the directory "mytmp" still exists, and you are trying to remove it with root privileges. To resolve this issue, you should first remove the directory using the regular user's permissions, then try again with sudo. Here's how to do it:
scratch % rm -rf mytmp
rm: mytmp: Permission denied
scratch % cd ..
mytmp % rm -rf .
rm: "." and ".." might not be eliminated
I’ve explored alternative approaches without -r
Since it’s actually the non-directory model that’s to be deleted?
Moreover, I attempted implementing the suggestion from @bmike. Although we’re capable of identifying the inode, the removal process appears to be ineffective.
scratch % ls -ila mytmp
total 3
8056451580272514705 drwx------ 1 person workers 16384 Aug 21 11:20 .
8652239633868421122 -rwxr-x--- 1 person workers 0 Aug 21 09:51 .
2 drwx------ 1 person workers 16384 Aug 21 11:43 ..
Is it actually named “.”?
The listings would be neatly contained within boundaries @nohillside suggested, effectively compartmentalizing the content for easier navigation. x
and y
To verify whether this notation is commonly referred to as a period. From bash
bash-3.2$ for i in ./*; do echo $i; done
Seems so.
@fd0 instructed that printing non-printable characters with ASCII codes could be achieved using Python’s built-in chr() function. The syntax for this function is: `chr(ASCII code)`. For instance, to print the non-printable character denoted by the ASCII code 7, one can use the following command: `print(chr(7))`. cat -vet
. From bash
$ ls -1a | cat -vet
Once more, appears identically named.
@nohillside Directed operating a Python server as listed, displaying its functioning components.
Extra Background
The shared folder exists on a community-level quantity, formatted as SMB (Operating System X).
The outcome of this endeavour was an instrument haplogrep
, a Java-based CLI. You can install it using Conda through.
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cos6 -c bioconda/label/bioconda haplogrep
The subcommand used was haplogrep classify
Improved text:
Which of the following do you think has the greatest impact on your life?
mytmp % haplogrep classify
mtDNA Haplogroup Classifiction v2.4.0
(c) Sebastian Schönherr, Hansi Weissensteiner, Lukas Forer, Dominic Pacher
Lacking required choices: '--input=<in>', '--output=<out>', '--format=<format>'
Utilization: haplogrep classify [--chip] [--extend-report] [--rsrs]
[--skip-alignment-rules] [--write-fasta]
[--write-fasta-msa] --format=<format>
[--hetLevel=<hetLevel>] [--hits=<hits>] --in=<in>
[--lineage=<lineage>] [--metric=<metric>] --out=<out>
--chip VCF information from a genotype chip
Default: false
--extend-report Add flag for a prolonged ultimate output
Default: false
--format=<format> Specify enter file format: vcf, fasta or hsd
--hetLevel=<hetLevel> Add heteroplasmies with a degree > X from the VCF
file to the profile (default: 0.9)
--hits=<hits> Calculate finest n hits
--in, --input=<in> Enter VCF, fasta or hsd file
--lineage=<lineage> Export lineage data as dot file, n0=no
tree, 1=with SNPs, 2=solely construction, no SNPs
--metric=<metric> Specifiy different metrics (hamming or jaccard) than
default (kulczynski)
--out, --output=<out> Output file location
--phylotree=<tree> Specify phylotree model
--rsrs Use RSRS Model
Default: false
Skip mtDNA nomenclature fixes primarily based on guidelines for
FASTA import
Default: false
--write-fasta Write ends in fasta format
Default: false
--write-fasta-msa Write a number of sequence alignment (_MSA.fasta)
Default: false
You misinterpreted the description of the new project’s scope and as a result, your proposal was off-target. --out
What’s the debate about? --out .
and thereby resulting in the creation of a file named “.dot”.
The file itself cannot be renamed in Finder or with any other method without first unlocking it. mv
Although the current folder name may suffice, a rename would still be possible.