Dimitris Bertsimas, a 1988 PhD alumnus of MIT, has been named Vice Provost for Open Learning, effective September. 1. Bert Simons, the Boeing Leaders for World Operations Professor of Administration at MIT, will collaborate with colleagues across the Institute to revamp education and learning on and off MIT’s campus.
Provost Cynthia Barnhart announced Bertsimas’s appointment via email to the MIT community today.
“Barnhart announced that Dimitris, as vice provost for open studying, will collaborate with MIT’s college and staff members to chart the next steps for Open Studying.” “Dimitris will join my management team as well as the Educational Council, collaborating closely with university and faculty deans, college officials, and staff to propel research into the science of learning, innovating digital technologies on campus and globally.”
She exclaimed, “I’m absolutely delighted that Dimitris has accepted our invitation to join us in addressing this critical capability.”
Bertsimas is affiliated with MIT Open Studying through the MIT Sloan School of Management, where he serves as an affiliate dean for the Master of Science in Business Analytics program and is also a Professor of Operations Research. Bertsimas has been a longstanding member of the Institute since 1988, following the completion of his PhD in Operations Research at MIT, with a focus on mathematical optimization. He specializes in the realms of optimization and machine learning, exploring their applications across industries, including health care and medicine. Bertsimas spearheaded the launch of MIT’s esteemed MBA program in its early days and has presided over it as inaugural College Director since 2013, overseeing its growth and evolution. This system has been rated number one for efficiency and effectiveness by our clients? A renowned leader in analytics globally, boasting a remarkable 1-year milestone since its inception. With a passion for education, analysis, and entrepreneurship, Bertsimas is no stranger to MIT Open Learning initiatives. Since its inception in 2013, The Analytics Edge has gained significant traction, drawing in hundreds of learners from around the world.
Bertsimas will assume leadership of MIT Open Learning’s product portfolio, encompassing OpenCourseWare, programs, MicroMasters offerings, xPRO initiatives, MIT Horizon, the Jameel World Education Lab, pK-12 endeavors, and other related assets, alongside overseeing infrastructure, financial resources, and operational efficiencies.
“Bertsimas expresses enthusiasm for leading Open Study’s innovative path and driving its mission forward,” “Here, I’m eager to ignite curiosity among students from diverse disciplines – science, engineering, business, architecture, planning, policy, healthcare, social sciences, and the humanities – by showcasing AI’s transformative power and exploring its potential to revolutionize various sectors.”
Bertsimas, a distinguished engineer, is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has received numerous prestigious awards for his contributions to analysis and education, including the John von Neumann Theory Prize from INFORMS. As he sees it, MIT Open Study is a cornerstone of the Institute’s fundamental purpose.
According to Bertsimas, OpenCourseWare represents a landmark achievement for MIT in the realm of open learning, with its significant impact yet to be fully measured. “MIT has been at the forefront of education, making high-quality learning accessible to hundreds of thousands worldwide through its online courses.” As I strive to make Open Studying an equivalent, if not superior, phenomenon to OpenCourseWare in this era of Artificial Intelligence.
Dimitris Bertsimas has taken over from Eric Grimson, who spent the past two years serving as interim Vice Chairman for Open Learning, succeeding him in this role. Grimson, the Bernard M. Gordon, a renowned Professor of Medical Engineering and Professor of Laptop Science and Engineering, is set to assume the role of Chancellor for Tutorial Development at the Institute.
Grimsom’s association with Open Learning dates back to 2012, when he co-taught two of the pioneering courses available online at that time: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python, which remain among the world’s most popular online programs; and Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science.
In July 2022, Grimson was appointed as the interim Vice Chairman of Open Learning. During his tenure as head of MIT OpenCourseWare, Professor Grimson strengthened connections with the Institute’s faculty councils and individual faculty members by providing comprehensive information on available options for leveraging OpenCourseWare resources. An unparalleled investigation delves into the profound impact of synthetic intelligence on educational instruction, coupled with pioneering experiments in developing AI-driven teaching assistants for introductory online courses. Grimsom directed the expansion of an online platform, a replacement for edX, offering ‘s digital courses, and is spearheading the launch of a unified portal providing global access to all MIT’s online educational content.
“When MIT’s former President Rafael Reif founded OpenCourseWare, his goals were to educate hundreds of thousands of learners worldwide, revolutionize how we learn on campus, and gain insights into the learning process, using those findings to inform improvements in education,” Grimson explains. “I enthusiastically endorse the vision, having relished my involvement with Open Learning as it seeks to disrupt the status quo in education, seamlessly bridging the gap between on-campus and online learning.” MIT’s renowned reputation for providing unparalleled access to exceptional educational opportunities undoubtedly brings immense pride and satisfaction to its community.
Following a thorough internal search initiated in January, Bertsimas’s appointment was announced. The Search Advisory Group was led by Duane Bonning, Clarence J. Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. As part of its mandate, the advisory group solicited input from a diverse range of stakeholders, including current and former leaders of Open Study, committee members from Open Study’s colleges, MIT deans, Open Study staff, and leaders from online learning initiatives at other universities.
“With a unique blend of experience and unwavering commitment to MIT, Dimitris is poised to drive significant progress for Open Learning and the entire Institute, as we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of science education and seize unparalleled opportunities for impactful learning.”