By coincidence, Chandrasekaran crossed paths with Tod Well-known and Slava Zhakov, two seasoned technologists renowned for their extensive knowledge in the realm of artificial intelligence, whose shared vision harmonized with his own entrepreneurial aspirations. Having already developed a functioning prototype, they had essentially leapfrogged the design stage altogether. As they failed to anticipate that their career would surpass them before it was even time to take notice. Crescendo was born.
AI that works with people
By integrating AI with human oversight, Crescendo’s innovative approach tackles two long-standing industry concerns head-on. Deflecting customers from straightforward contact with organizations, this phenomenon manifests as a series of deliberate obstacles, cleverly disguised as helpful guidance, forcing potential buyers to navigate labyrinthine FAQs and automated phone systems before being granted access to actual human interaction. Then there’s churn. Surprisingly, the industry’s workforce is plagued by high turnover rates, with up to 50 percent of employees leaving within a year, largely due to the mundane nature of many jobs.
Crescendo’s approach to artificial intelligence seems promising. Instead of splurging millions on massive GPU clusters to compete with industry giants like OpenAI, Google, and Meta for top AI talent, they’ve opted to prioritize people over costs. Rather than supplanting human creativity, AI amplifies artistic expression for Crescendo. Concurrently, their proprietary AI tool can leverage access to the globe’s most extensive language models and clients’ private data repositories to effectively respond to a vast majority of customer inquiries. Clients confirm that they will begin manufacturing with Crescendo within a remarkably short timeframe of just two to four weeks, with AI efficiently handling more than 90% of inquiries autonomously and accurately after only the first month. Up to this point, their team has yet to encounter a single hallucination, ensuring zero buyer downtime throughout the process.