I am suddenly and inexplicably encountering two unusual phenomena without any deliberate alterations or modifications on my part.
Ansible (
`Ansible all -i inventory_file.ini --module-path /path/to/modules --ask-pass --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass --become-method=none --become-user=root --color=no --diff --forks 5 --json --list-hosts --module-name ping --password=secret --private-key-file /path/to/key --timeout=60 --transport=smart --user=ansible --vagrant-path /path/to/vagrantfile -vvv`
Suddenly, not only did the SSH key’s password prompt appear, but the crucial item’s password was also deemed invalid – a seemingly inexplicable turn of events. ❌ -
The exact same key passphrase deemed correct by SSH.
ssh -F /path/to/my_ssh_config foo
However, the password exclusively functions in Case 1.- If typed comparatively; ✅ works
- If you type [BACKSPACE] repeatedly without pause, the cursor will quickly move to the left edge of the screen.
- [❌ doesn’t work] if .
Each Ansible playbook and SSH connection requires a password to be entered manually.
Enter passphrase for key '/Customers/foo/.ssh/bar':
Ansible also provides a white key Unicode grapheme after the :
- ansible [core 2.17.1]
- Python 3.11.5
- OpenSSH_9.4p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6
- macOS 14.3 (23D56)
Related recordsdata:
, for each 1. (Ansible) and a couple of. (SSH) above:
Host *
StrictHostKeyChecking no
User ec2-user
IdentityFile /Customers/foo/.ssh/bar
Host leap
Host foo
ProxyJump leap
- for 1. (Ansible) is under
The Ansible playbook runs on a host that has an identical configuration to the target node.ansible all
ssh_args=-o "PreferredAuthentications=publickey,password" -F /path/to/my_ssh_config