Honor has introduced the Honor laptop, a sleek and slim device that harnesses the power of the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite platform. Weighing approximately 1 kilogram, this device measures only 1 centimeter in thickness, housing a 14.6-inch 3.1K HONOR Eye Comfort Display with an impressive 97% screen-to-body ratio and TÜV Rheinland Flicker Free certification for enhanced eye comfort? This lightweight laptop boasts exceptional performance, extended battery life, and cutting-edge AI-powered features.
The Snapdragon X Elite platform enables seamless execution of Windows applications on Windows on Snapdragon architecture, featuring accelerated boot-up times and support for demanding programs. HONOR’s AI-powered Hotspot Library significantly enhances efficiency by optimizing scenario-based translation capabilities.
What’s your favorite way to capture life’s precious moments? With the HONOR MagicBook Artwork 14 and Snapdragon’s modular digital camera, you can unleash your creativity like never before.
The Design Highlights feature a cutting-edge removable modular digital camera that prioritizes user privacy, a robust 60Wh battery capable of supporting up to 9.5 hours of daily work, and an immersive HONOR Six-speaker Spatial Audio system with AI-powered noise reduction for unparalleled sound quality. The laptop computer features a MagicRing system that enables intuitive cross-device connectivity, boosting productivity and collaboration seamlessly. Customers can seamlessly transition between devices, share peripherals, and manage their smart devices or mobile devices, fostering a comprehensive AI-driven ecosystem.
With cutting-edge hardware, the MagicBook Artwork 14 Snapdragon boasts up to 32GB of memory, offering seamless performance and versatility through its comprehensive connectivity suite, featuring Thunderbolt 4, USB-C, USB-A, HDMI ports, and a dedicated headphone/mic jack. These options cater to professionals, remote staff, and college students who demand a range of peripheral connections.
Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite platform | |
14.6-inch 3.1K Honor Eye Comfort FullView Display | |
3.1K (Crystal-clear visuals) | |
97% | |
TÜV Rheinland-certified Flicker-Free Solution (4320 Hz PWM Dimming Technology) | |
Roughly 1kg | |
1cm | |
60Wh | |
Up to nine and a half hours of dedicated, daily office work. | |
Experience rich and immersive sound with HONOR’s advanced six-speaker Spatial Audio technology, boasting four woofers and two tweeters that harmoniously converge to create an unparalleled sonic landscape. Meanwhile, AI-powered noise cancellation cleverly detects and eliminates background distractions, ensuring a crystal-clear listening experience free from ambient interference. | |
Removable modular magnetic digital camera | |
Up to 32 GB of fast DDR4 memory | |
Ports: Thunderbolt 4, USB-C, USB-A, HDMI, and 3.5mm audio with combined headphone/microphone jack | |
Operating System Turbo 3.0 enables instantaneous synchronization across multiple devices with the intuitive MagicRing technology, while advanced AI-powered situational awareness enhances user experience. | |
Seamless Multi-Screen Collaboration: Elevate Team Productivity | |
AI Co-Creationalist and Digital Artisan for Artistic Purposes | |
Gray |
Availability and Worth
Available in a sleek gray finish, the HONOR MagicBook Art 14, powered by a Snapdragon processor, can be purchased from (), with pre-orders now open for customers in Germany, Italy, and France.
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