Sunday, December 15, 2024

The .NET framework has long provided robust testing frameworks for unit testing and integration testing. However, when it comes to snapshot testing – a technique that checks the output of a function or method remains unchanged over time – there hasn’t been a straightforward solution until now. That is where Storm Petrel comes in. This open-source library provides easy-to-use APIs to enable snapshot testing for .NET developers. With Storm Petrel, you can ensure your code continues to produce the expected results without having to manually verify each test by hand.

The concept of “Snapshot Testing” derives from the process of capturing a precise visual snapshot and comparing it to an expected snapshot, thereby verifying the desired UI state. Notwithstanding its limitations, the time frame in question is not confined solely to visual representations, but rather encompasses a broader range of accurate code execution outcomes, including HTML, JSON, XML, PDF, and other formats. Typically, Snapshot Unit/Integration Testing involves the following steps within a comprehensive testing methodology:

  • Organize: Create the anticipated snapshot.
  • Act: Seize the precise snapshot.
  • Assert: Assess whether the forecasted and exact depictions are identical.

The Scand Storm Petrel automates the rewriting of anticipated baselines with exact precision. What actions will they take within the scope of snapshot metrics?

Snapshot Testing with Scand.StormPetrel.Generator

The ScandStormPetrel Generator NuGet package enables automatic code rewriting for anticipated value types within C# applications, streamlining development processes. Hence, our analysis ultimately yields the unmistakable finding:

  • HTML, JSON, and XML data can be tracked as C# code values, as demonstrated by the snapshot tracking features within the SnapshotTest class according to the documented implementation.
  • Binary snapshots are now tracked as C# code values, mirroring the behavior of the SnapshotTest instance.

Given the inherent nature of this phenomenon, the typical Snapshot Unit/Integration Testing procedures seamlessly merge with conventional unit/integration testing methodologies, inclusive of collaboration with Scand.StormPetrel.Generator.

  • Organize: The anticipated snapshot value is derived from the examination of the attribute parameter and/or price in the data supply methodological framework.
  • Act: Capture the exact moment in time through execution of the scrutinized C# code.
  • Assert: The expected arrays match exactly?

What if we could write tests that verify our code’s behavior in a fraction of the time it takes to run the entire application? Sounds like a dream come true! With Snapshot testing, we can achieve just that.

In numerous scenarios, .NET developers can bypass serializing specific values to JSON, XML, or other formats and instead instantiate the expected object directly within C# code, aligning with the primary use case for Scand.StormPetrel.Generator.

The .NET framework has long provided robust testing frameworks for unit testing and integration testing. However, when it comes to snapshot testing – a technique that checks the output of a function or method remains unchanged over time – there hasn’t been a straightforward solution until now.

That is where Storm Petrel comes in. This open-source library provides easy-to-use APIs to enable snapshot testing for .NET developers. With Storm Petrel, you can ensure your code continues to produce the expected results without having to manually verify each test by hand.

Within the context of snapshot testing, a developer can make the most of advantages pertaining to ensuring the correctness and reliability of UI components by automating visual tests that capture the expected rendering of their application.

  • Effective identification and analysis of specific property expected values monitored during inspections using the ‘Discover All References’ function in Visual Studio, as well as analogous guidance in other integrated development environments.
  • Rationalizing naming conventions for specific properties within existing code and reviewing the codebase.
  • Utilizing assertion libraries, developers can efficiently assert precise and anticipated values by leveraging strategies such as ignoring property order or array elements that don’t impact expected outcomes.
  • Examine execution in everyday scenarios more rapidly.

Snapshot Testing with Scand.StormPetrel.FileSnapshotInfrastructure

In certain situations, it’s advisable to store snapshots as individual files within the file system for a specific user or entity. A developer can make the most of the advantages that correspond to their skills and expertise.

  • A comprehensive comparison framework for visualizing and analyzing snapshots across various file formats, including images, JSON, XML, and PDF, utilizing specialized software tools and viewer/comparer applications.
  • Streamlined Convergence of .NET and Interdisciplinary Disciplines. When anticipating JSON snapshots for a .NET RESTful API service, they actually serve as input data for JavaScript/TypeScript unit tests written to verify the functionality of a client-side utility that consumes the service.
  • In certain scenarios, the execution of an efficiency test may need to address large files, specifically when a comprehensive analysis is desired.

The anticipated snapshot files will also be regenerated using StormPetrel. What opportunities arise from leveraging the ScandStormPetrelFileSnapshotInfrastructure in this instance? Snapshot tests’ execution process closely mirrors standard unit and integration testing methodologies:

  • Organize: Determine the expected image resolution from a file extension? You want to name the Scand.StormPetrel.FileSnapshotInfrastructure.SnapshotProvider.ReadAllText Methodologies employed to execute the plan could include leveraging diverse alternatives presented within the framework.
  • Act: Capture the exact moment in time accurately through the execution of the C# code under scrutiny.
  • Assert: The assertions should ensure that the expected and actual results are equivalent, employing a suitable assertion library or technique preferred by the developer.


Utilizes NuGet and .NET’s incremental build infrastructure to facilitate active utilization in snapshot testing scenarios. Without significant impact on integration snapshots, examine construction and habits to enable seamless rewriting of anticipated units, thereby accelerating and streamlining software development. Contact us for further information on additional data.

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