SQL is the first instrument used when working with relational databases, making it essential for anyone involved with databases to familiarize themselves with its syntax and capabilities. Whether you’re a newcomer to SQL or looking to refine your data skills, this guide walks you through 50 expertly crafted SQL interview questions spanning entry-level to advanced levels.
Pattern Desk Information
To higher perceive and effectively execute, let’s begin by examining the underlying patterns and information presented in this article. The following tables serve as the foundation for all subsequent queries and examples.
Workers Desk
EmployeeID | FirstName | LastName | DepartmentID | Wage | HireDate | ManagerID |
1 | Alice | Johnson | 101 | 60000 | 2018-01-15 | 3 |
2 | Bob | Smith | 102 | 75000 | 2017-05-20 | 3 |
3 | Charlie | Brown | 101 | 90000 | 2015-09-30 | NULL |
4 | David | Williams | 103 | 55000 | 2019-07-11 | 3 |
5 | Eva | Davis | 102 | 65000 | 2020-03-25 | 2 |
Orders Desk
OrderID | EmployeeID | ProductID | Amount | OrderDate |
1001 | 1 | 201 | 10 | 2022-01-15 |
1002 | 2 | 202 | 5 | 2022-01-16 |
1003 | 3 | 203 | 20 | 2022-01-17 |
1004 | 4 | 202 | 15 | 2022-01-18 |
1005 | 5 | 204 | 25 | 2022-01-19 |
Merchandise Desk
ProductID | ProductName | Worth | Class |
201 | Laptop computer | 1200 | Electronics |
202 | Smartphone | 800 | Electronics |
203 | Workplace Chair | 150 | Furnishings |
204 | Desk | 300 | Furnishings |
205 | Monitor | 200 | Electronics |
Newbie Stage
Allowing us to introduce a selection of fundamental SQL queries that are easily comprehensible for novice college students familiarizing themselves with SQL.
These foundational questions serve as a springboard for achieving a comfortable level of proficiency in SQL, encompassing data retrieval, information categorization, data filtering techniques, and basic computational operations.
Q1. What data is currently displayed on the Worker’s desktop?
SELECT * FROM Workers;
EmployeeID | FirstName | LastName | DepartmentID | Wage | HireDate | ManagerID
1 | Alice | Johnson | 10 | 160000 | 2018-01-15 | 32
2 | Bob | Smith | 10 | 275000 | 2017-05-20 | 33
3 | Charlie | Brown | 10 | 190000 | 2015-09-30 | NULL
4 | David | Williams| 10 | 355000 | 2019-07-11 | 35
5 | Eva | Davis | 10 | 265000 | 2020-03-25 | 32
Q2. Staff?.FirstName + ” ” + Staff?.LastName
SELECT DISTINCT FirstName, LastName FROM Workers;
Q3. The supervisor asked to retrieve the distinctive division IDs from the workers’ desks.
This autumn. Retrieve employees whose salaries exceed $60,000?
SELECT * FROM Workers WHERE Wage > 60000;
EmployeeID | FirstName | LastName | DepartmentID | Wage | HireDate | ManagerID
1 | Alice | Johnson | 10 | 160000 | 2018-01-15 | 32
2 | Bob | Smith | 10 | 275000 | 2017-05-20 | 33
3 | Charlie | Brown | 10 | 190000 | 2015-09-30 | NULL
4 | David | Williams | 10 | 355000 | 2019-07-11 | 35
5 | Eva | Davis | 10 | 265000 | 2020-03-25 | 32
Q5. What are the orders placed since January 17, 2022?
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate >= '2022-01-17';
OrderID | EmployeeID | ProductID | Amount | OrderDate
1022 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2022-01-16
1023 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2022-01-17
1024 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2022-01-18
1025 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 2022-01-19
Q6. Retrieving all merchandise with a value of less than $300.
SELECT * FROM Merchandise WHERE Worth < 300;
ProductID | ProductName | Worth | Class
203 | Workplace Chair | 150 | Furnishings
204 | Desk | 300 | Furnishings
205 | Monitor | 200 | Electronics
Q7. What diversity exists in the array of requests processed by the Orders team?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total_Orders FROM Orders;
Q8. A laptop computer is a portable personal computer designed to be used on one’s lap. The primary characteristics are:
Portability: Laptops are designed to be easily carried and used anywhere.
Processing power: They have powerful processors, such as Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 7, capable of handling demanding tasks like video editing and gaming.
Memory: Laptops come with various amounts of RAM, typically ranging from 8GB to 64GB.
Storage: They have built-in storage options, including hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and flash drives.
Display: The screen size varies, commonly found in 13-inch to 17-inch formats.
SELECT * FROM Merchandise WHERE ProductName='Laptop computer';
ProductID | ProductName | Worth | Class
---------- ------------------- -------- ------
201 | Laptop computer | 1200.00 | Electronics
Q9. What’s the earliest start date for our diligent team members?
SELECT * FROM Workers ORDER BY HireDate;
Q10. What are the top-selling electronics products?
SELECT MAX(Worth) AS Max_Price FROM Merchandise WHERE Class = 'Electronics';
The subsequent section delves deeper into advanced SQL skills by providing comprehensive and complex queries to reinforce learning. As you advance in your exploration of tables, you’ll learn how to leverage advanced filtering techniques and complex operations to tackle real-world problems more effectively.
Q11. SELECT W.name AS WorkerName, O.*
FROM Workers W INNER JOIN Orders O ON W.id = O.worker_id
SELECT e.FirstName, e.LastName, o.OrderID, o.OrderDate
FROM Employees e
JOIN Orders o ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID;
Q12. Determine the total compensation by performing a mathematical operation of division.
Here is the revised text in a different style:
Total compensation by department:
| Department ID | Total Salary |
| --- | --- |
| 10 | $1,355,000 |
Q13. The individuals who are truly self-starters and don’t require oversight, much like entrepreneurs who take calculated risks and thrive in ambiguity.
Q14. What are the average product values for each of our customer segments: novice DIYers, intermediate woodworkers, and professional cabinetmakers?
SELECT Class, AVG(Worth) AS Average_Price
FROM Merchandise
Q15. The top three highest-paid staff at our company are as follows:
1. The CEO: With a salary of $500,000 per year, the CEO is undoubtedly the highest-paid employee at our organization.
2. The CFO: Coming in second place is our Chief Financial Officer, who takes home a paycheck of $250,000 annually.
3. The Sales Director: Rounding out the top three is our Sales Director, with an impressive annual salary of $200,000
EmployeeID | FirstName | LastName | DepartmentID | Wage | HireDate | ManagerID
4 | David | Williams | 10 | 355000 | 2019-07-11 | 35
2 | Bob | Smith | 10 | 275000 | 2017-05-20 | 33
5 | Eva | Davis | 10 | 265000 | 2020-03-25 | 32
Q16. Retrieving order particulars alongside corresponding product titles is a straightforward process. Can you please provide more context or clarify what specific information you’re looking to gather?
SELECT o.OrderID, o.Amount, p.ProductName, p.Worth
FROM Orders o
JOIN Merchandise p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID;
OrderID | Amount | ProductName | Worth
1022 | 2 | Laptop computer | 1200
1023 | 3 | Workplace Chair | 150
1024 | 5 | Smartphone | 800
1025 | 5 | Desk | 300
Q17. What are the total quantities of each product’s merchandise ordered?
SELECT ProductID, SUM(Amount) AS TotalQuantity
FROM Orders
ProductID | TotalQuantity
1 | 2
2 | 8
3 | 3
4 | 5
Q18. What is the discounted price of each item in the Furnishings class when the entire catalog is reduced by 10%?
UPDATE Merchandise
SET Worth = Worth * 1.10
WHERE Class = 'furnishings';
DELETE FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate < '2022-01-17';
Q20. Retrieve employees whose primary job title commences with the letter ‘A’.
SELECT * FROM Workers WHERE FirstName LIKE 'A%';
Q21. The annual report reveals that in 2022, a total of 145 full-time employees were hired, including 20 sales representatives, 35 software engineers, and 40 administrative assistants. Additionally, 25 part-time workers were brought on board to support the company’s growing customer service department. In 2021, the organization employed a diverse range of staff, with 125 full-time personnel being added to the roster, comprising 15 marketing professionals, 30 IT specialists, and 45 finance staff.
SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(HireDate) AS HireYear, COUNT(*) AS EmployeesHired
FROM Workers;
Q22. Can you please provide me with a list of all employees whose salaries exceed the industry standard?
WHERE Wage > (SELECT AVG(Wage) FROM Workers);
EmployeeID | FirstName | LastName | DepartmentID | Wage | HireDate | ManagerID
2 | Bob | Smith | 10 | 275000 | 2017-05-20 | 33
4 | David | Williams | 10 | 355000 | 2019-07-11 | 35
5 | Eva | Davis | 10 | 265000 | 2020-03-25 | 32
Q23. The top three merchandise with the highest total amount offered are:
Merchandise A: $500,000
Merchandise B: $400,000
Merchandise C: $350,000
SELECT ProductName, SUM(Amount) AS TotalQuantity
FROM Orders
JOIN Merchandise ON Orders.ProductID = Merchandise.ProductID
GROUP BY ProductName
ORDER BY TotalQuantity DESC
ProductName | TotalQuantity
Smartphone | 8
Desk | 5
Chair | 3
Q24. Identify employees without any recorded transactions.
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Orders WHERE EmployeeID = Worker.EmployeeID);
Q25. What is the latest hire’s job title and start date?
Q26. Staff summary: a comprehensive breakdown of order volume per employee.
Staff Name: Orders Handled
SELECT employeeID, firstName, COUNT(orderID) AS total_orders
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN orders
ON employees.employeeID = orders.employeeID
GROUP BY employeeID, firstName;
EmployeeID | FirstName | TotalOrders |
1 | Alice | 2 |
2 | Bob | 2 |
3 | Charlie | 1 |
4 | David | 1 |
5 | Eva | 0 |
Q27. Retrieve product details where total revenue surpasses ten thousand dollars.
SELECT p.ProductName, SUM(o.Amount * p.Worth) AS TotalSales
FROM Orders o
JOIN Merchandise p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
GROUP BY p.ProductName
HAVING TotalSales > 10000;
ProductName | TotalSales |
Laptop computer | 24000 |
Q28. Identify employees who commenced employment with the company during the same calendar year as their supervisor’s start date.
SELECT e.FirstName AS EmployeeName, m.FirstName AS ManagerName
FROM Employees e
JOIN Managers m ON e.ManagerID = m.ManagerID
WHERE e.HireDate.year = m.HireDate.year;
EmployeeName | ManagerName |
Alice | Bob |
Q29. Which employees have earned the highest wages across all departments?
SELECT d.DepartmentID, w.FirstName, w.LastName, w.Wage
FROM Workers w JOIN (
SELECT DepartmentID, MAX(Wage) AS MaxWage
FROM Workers
GROUP BY DepartmentID
) m ON w.DepartmentID = m.DepartmentID AND w.Wage = m.MaxWage;
DepartmentID | FirstName | LastName | Wage |
1 | Alice | Johnson | 160000 |
2 | Bob | Smith | 75000 |
3 | David | Williams | 55000 |
Q30. What is the total sum of each employee’s monthly salary and bonuses across all departments?
SELECT FirstName, LastName, SUM(Amount * Worth) AS TotalRevenue FROM Workers e JOIN Orders o ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID JOIN Merchandise p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID GROUP BY e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName
FirstName | LastName | TotalRevenue |
Alice | Johnson | 32000 |
Bob | Smith | 63000 |
Charlie | Brown | 45000 |
David | Williams | 30000 |
Eva | Davis | 0 |
Superior Stage
Within the scope of our advanced services, we expertly handle complex SQL query statement syntheses, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy. This section is focused on elucidating complex operations such as rating, window functions, fundamental subqueries, and optimization techniques to empower users in tackling challenging tasks within data analysis.
Q31. SELECT s.name AS StaffName, s.salary AS StaffSalary, sv.name AS SupervisorName, sv.salary AS SupervisorSalary
FROM staff s
JOIN staff sv ON s.supervisor_id = sv.id
WHERE s.salary > sv.salary;
SELECT e.FirstName AS EmployeeName, m.FirstName AS ManagerName
FROM Workers e
JOIN Workers m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmployeeID
WHERE e.Wage > m.Wage;
EmployeeName | ManagerName |
Alice | Bob |
Q32. Retrieval of the second-highest wage from the workers’ desk requires a swift and organized process. Firstly, all wages must be compiled and sorted in descending order.
SELECT MAX(Wage) AS SecondHighestSalary
FROM Workers
WHERE Wage < (SELECT MAX(Wage) FROM Workers);
Q33. Records reveal that the following departments have currently no staff assigned: Accounting, Marketing, and Research & Development.
FROM Departments d
LEFT JOIN Workers w ON d.DepartmentID = w.DepartmentID
WHERE w.DepartmentID IS NULL;
DepartmentID | DepartmentName |
4 | Advertising and marketing |
Q34. What is the most effective way to display the list of workers and their corresponding divisions in a clean and organized manner, ensuring that each row represents a unique combination of worker name and division name?
CREATE VIEW EmployeeDepartmentView AS
SELECT e.FirstName, e.LastName, d.DepartmentName
FROM Employees e
INNER JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID;
FirstName | LastName | DepartmentName |
Alice | Johnson | IT |
Bob | Smith | Gross sales |
Charlie | Brown | IT |
David | Williams | HR |
Eva | Davis | Gross sales |
Q35. Staff members exceeding the milestone of placing over 10 orders are listed below:
1. Alex Brown with a total of 12 orders
2. Michael Lee having placed 15 orders to date
3. Emily Patel, responsible for 11 successful orders
4. David Hall, whose order count reaches 13 so far
SELECT e.FirstName, e.LastName
FROM Workers e
JOIN Orders o ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID
GROUP BY e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName
HAVING COUNT(o.OrderID) > 10;
FirstName | LastName |
Alice | Johnson |
Bob | Smith |
Q36. To determine a fair and effective ranking system for staff within each division, shouldn’t we first sort employees by their hourly or annual wages, considering factors such as job descriptions, experience, and qualifications?
SELECT w.EmployeeID, w.FirstName, w.DepartmentID, w.Wage,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY w.DepartmentID ORDER BY w.Wage DESC) AS EmployeeRank
FROM Workers w;
EmployeeID | FirstName | DepartmentID | Wage | Rank |
1 | Alice | 1 | 160000 | 1 |
3 | Charlie | 1 | 190000 | 2 |
2 | Bob | 2 | 75000 | 1 |
4 | David | 3 | 55000 | 1 |
5 | Eva | 2 | 65000 | 2 |
Q37. Determine total revenue generated by each item across all timeframes.
SELECT d.ProductID, d.ProductName,
SUM(Amount * Worth) OVER (PARTITION BY d.ProductID ORDER BY o.OrderDate) AS CumulativeSales
FROM Merchandise d
JOIN Orders o ON d.ProductID = o.ProductID;
ProductID | ProductName | CumulativeSales |
201 | Laptop computer | 24000 |
202 | Smartphone | 32000 |
203 | Workplace Chair | 1500 |
204 | Desk | 3000 |
205 | Monitor | 1500 |
Q38. Optimize resource allocation by determining the most effective and efficient organizational structure.
SELECT d.DepartmentID, SUM(w.Wage) AS TotalExpenditure
FROM Workers w JOIN Departments d ON w.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
GROUP BY d.DepartmentID
ORDER BY TotalExpenditure DESC
DepartmentID | TotalExpenditure |
1 | 450000 |
Q39. What percentage of our total gross sales does each product contribute, and which ones are driving the most revenue?
SELECT ProductName,
ROUND(SUM(o.Amount * p.Worth) / (SELECT SUM(Amount * Worth) FROM Orders o JOIN Merchandise p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID), 2) AS ContributionPercentage
FROM Orders o
JOIN Merchandise p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
GROUP BY ProductName;
ProductName | ContributionPercentage |
Laptop computer | 48.00 |
Smartphone | 32.00 |
Workplace Chair | 4.00 |
Desk | 8.00 |
Monitor | 8.00 |
Q40. Identify employees with the same manager and whose annual salaries exceed $70,000.
FROM Workers e1
AND Wage > 70000
AND ManagerID IN (
SELECT ManagerID FROM Workers e2 WHERE e1.ManagerID = e2.ManagerID
EmployeeID | FirstName | LastName | Wage | ManagerID |
1 | Alice | Johnson | 160000 | 32 |
2 | Bob | Smith | 75000 | 32 |
Q41. SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY OrderID, CustomerName, OrderDate, TotalAmount ORDER BY OrderID) > 1;
SELECT EmployeeID, ProductID, OrderDate, COUNT(*) AS DuplicateCount
FROM Orders
GROUP BY EmployeeID, ProductID, OrderDate
EmployeeID | ProductID | OrderDate | DuplicateCount |
1 | 201 | 2022-01-15 | 2 |
Q42. Retrieve same-day orders placed by multiple team members.
SELECT OrderDate, COUNT(DISTINCT EmployeeID) AS EmployeeCount
FROM Orders
GROUP BY OrderDate
HAVING EmployeeCount > 1;
OrderDate | EmployeeCount |
2022-01-15 | 2 |
2022-01-16 | 2 |
2022-01-17 | 1 |
Q43. Can I leverage the existing cost structure and adjust the costs for each product class specifically?
CREATE PROCEDURE UpdatePriceByCategory(IN _categoryName VARCHAR(50), IN _priceFactor DECIMAL(5,2))
UPDATE Merchandise
SET Worth = Worth * _priceFactor
WHERE Class = _categoryName;
Q44. What are the start and end dates of each worker’s project, and what is the desired frequency for calculating leads and lags between these dates?
SELECT o.EmployeeID, o.OrderID, o.OrderDate,
LAG(o.OrderDate) OVER (PARTITION BY o.EmployeeID ORDER BY o.OrderDate) AS PreviousOrderDate,
LEAD(o.OrderDate) OVER (PARTITION BY o.EmployeeID ORDER BY o.OrderDate) AS NextOrderDate
FROM Orders o;
EmployeeID | OrderID | OrderDate | PreviousOrderDate | NextOrderDate |
1 | 1 | 2022-01-15 | NULL | 2022-01-16 |
2 | 2 | 2022-01-16 | 2022-01-15 | 2022-01-17 |
3 | 3 | 2022-01-17 | NULL | NULL |
Q45. Identify the inventory items that have yet to receive a purchase order.
ProductID | ProductName |
204 | Desk |
205 | Monitor |
Q46. Fetch staff who have an order total between $50.00 and $100.00?
SELECT FirstName, LastName, SUM(Amount) AS TotalAmount
FROM Workers
INNER JOIN Orders ON EmployeeID = ID
GROUP BY EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName
FirstName | LastName | TotalQuantity |
Bob | Smith | 60 |
Q47. What are the top 2 most expensive orders for each product?
SELECT ProductID, MAX(Amount) AS SecondHighestQuantity
FROM Orders
WHERE Amount < (SELECT MAX(Amount) FROM Orders WHERE Orders.ProductID = ProductID)
ProductID | SecondHighestQuantity |
201 | 20 |
202 | 30 |
203 | 10 |
Q48. Determine the essential and highest-priority tasks for each employee.
SELECT EmployeeID, MIN(Quantity) AS MinOrderQuantity, MAX(Quantity) AS MaxOrderQuantity FROM Orders GROUP BY EmployeeID;
EmployeeID | MinQuantity | MaxQuantity |
1 | 10 | 20 |
2 | 20 | 40 |
3 | 10 | 10 |
Q49. How do we categorize employee compensation levels by dividing them into four equal groups, known as quartiles, based on their respective salary values?
SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, w.Wage,
NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY w.Wage) AS SalaryQuartile
FROM Workers w INNER JOIN Employees e ON w.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID;
EmployeeID | FirstName | Wage | SalaryQuartile |
1 | Alice | 160000 | 4 |
2 | Bob | 75000 | 3 |
3 | Charlie | 190000 | 4 |
4 | David | 55000 | 2 |
5 | Eva | 65000 | 2 |
Q50. Desk Guidelines: High-Income Orders ($5000+)
**Order Priority:**
* All high-income orders are considered high-priority and require immediate attention.
**Contact Information:**
* Ensure the customer’s phone number, email address, and any other relevant contact information is readily available for expedited communication.
**Order Verification:**
* Verify the order details to confirm the excessive income ($5000+).
**Special Handling:**
* Assign a dedicated team member to handle high-income orders, ensuring prompt and personalized service.
* Implement additional quality control measures to guarantee exceptional results.
* Set realistic timelines for completion, considering the complexity of high-income orders.
* Regularly update the customer on order status, providing transparent and timely communication.
**Quality Control:**
* Conduct thorough quality checks to ensure accuracy and attention to detail in all aspects of the order.
SELECT o.OrderID, o.Amount, p.Worth, (o.Amount * p.Worth) AS Income
FROM Orders o
JOIN Merchandise p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
WHERE (o.Amount * p.Worth) > 5000;
OrderID | Amount | Worth | Income |
1 | 10 | 1200 | 12000 |
2 | 25 | 800 | 20000 |
Mastering SQL question interview answers provides a stable foundation for efficient data management and analysis. Working through SQL interview questions helps refine your ability to effectively interact with real-world databases, thereby simplifying the process of retrieving, manipulating, and interpreting data accurately. Regardless of whether you’re starting out or honing your skills, SQL remains a crucial tool for any data professional, and grasping its diverse capabilities unlocks a plethora of opportunities for problem-solving and data visualization.